Have you ever found yourself stuck in the cycle of paralysis by analysis?
Do you have a difficult time making decisions because the best path forward isn’t clear?
Do you search and search for the best possible way of completing a task?
The need for certainty is likely the number one culprit that slows people down.
The cost of leading a life of certainty is simple. It robs you of variety, spontaneity, and excitement. The need for certainty in business on the other hand is a bit more difficult to define. In short, the need for certainty will bring your business to a screeching halt. More often than not the path forward isn’t always clear when building a business. In real estate specifically, I’m often asked what form of lead generation works best? What is the best CRM to use? Should I invest my money in ________________? People spend months gathering information to help make the “best” possible decision before taking action when 99% of the time the “best” decision is to pick one and execute. If it doesn’t work out, pick whatever the alternative was. No one is being forced to pick a path and stick to it forever. The person who takes action down the wrong path has at least eliminated one option and perhaps generated some results in the process while the person who seeks certainty is researching information to start down the path. Sometimes the only bad decision is not making a decision.
If you’re reading this and thinking man, I’m in this exact situation right now. I’m not sure what I should do. I’d encourage you to simply decide. Pick a path and start down it. You aren’t getting married to that decision, you’re just dating it. If it gets on your nerves or you realize there is a better path simply dump it and move to the next.