Are you holding onto something so tight that it’s impossible for you to move towards what you say is your goal? I see it happen all the time. A great example is an agent that says I want to build a 7th level business that allows me to travel and invest while someone else runs the day to day of the company. Yet every step of the way they build systems and structures centered around them. They’re so obsessed with things being done their way and having creative control over everything they literally sabotage themselves into being stuck inside of their business. On an even more basic level, an example is a new agent who has all the skills and education in the world yet they refuse to leave the comfort of their full-time job because they’ve grown accustomed to receiving that paycheck every two weeks. They’re holding onto that paycheck so tight that they do not even realize it’s literally the one thing keeping them from earning 5,10,15,20 times more than what they’re currently making.
Are you holding onto the way that things used to be?
Are you holding onto control of every step in the process?
Are you holding jobs someone else should be doing?
What would happen if you let go of whatever it is, burn the ships, and go all in ongoing after whatever it is you’re looking to accomplish?