Coach Jamie's

Thursday Thoughts


This is a compilation of my observations and lessons learned while coaching some of the top real estate professionals in the industry.

Cash Hyde Foundation

Cash Hyde Foundation

This week my thoughts are on the Cash Hyde Foundation. If you have found any value from these Thursday Thoughts please take a minute to visit and make a donation. Mike Hyde is a long time coaching client of mine, a LABS Advisor, and agent in...

When you hire the right person 90% of the work is done

When you hire the right person 90% of the work is done

This week’s thought could end with the topic. Real estate businesses are built on leads, listings, and leverage. Once you’ve mastered leads and listings the next step is to master leverage. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking their success with leads and...

Without a MVVBP who are you?

Without a MVVBP who are you?

Have you ever thought about what makes you unique? What is it that makes you, You?I believe the argument could be made that it’s your mission, vision, values, beliefs, and perspective.What is your life’s mission? What will it look like when you get there? What core...

Put the man together and everything falls into place

Put the man together and everything falls into place

I’ll keep this super simple today. If you want to grow your business stop looking for strategies and tactics and start looking for ways to grow yourself. Far too often I see agents with notebooks full of tactics that work for everyone else and they have the smartest...

Are you working for money, or to be the best you can be?

Are you working for money, or to be the best you can be?

If you’ve worked with me at all you’ve heard me say money is a great motivator until there is enough. The challenge is that once the majority of the people have “enough” they take their foot off the gas pedal. In this case “enough” can be roughly defined as a...