Coach Jamie's

Thursday Thoughts


This is a compilation of my observations and lessons learned while coaching some of the top real estate professionals in the industry.

People that have a plan B aren’t committed

People that have a plan B aren’t committed

I think this week’s title sums up the thought but I’ll do my best to elaborate. Imagine for a second you’re married but you have a backup plan should the marriage not work out. Can you really say you’re committed to that marriage. Many of you just read that and...

What are the rules to the game?

What are the rules to the game?

Business is nothing more than a game with dynamic rules. In the real estate industry the rules of the game changed a few months go. If you’re still playing by the rules of 2021 you’re likely going to lose. What is your contact to appointment ratio? What is your...

What will you be remembered for?

What will you be remembered for?

Almost a year ago this Facebook post was made by a highly influential person in the real estate industry. As luck would have it I pulled up this post to share with a client as he and I discussed what was actually important in his life. Rather than me sharing my...

Sometimes you’re in the storm, sometimes you’re not

Sometimes you’re in the storm, sometimes you’re not

I spent the last 14 years of my life living in the desert of Las Vegas where the sun shines 95% of the year. If you’ve followed my story at all you know I’ve recently moved to Florida. Even though Florida is known as the sunshine state, what you may not know is that...



When you’re building a business every single area of your life will get out of balance. How long you allow the key areas to be out of balance is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make. Make today the day you identify the area being neglected. Are you...

The treasures we seek are in the caves we avoid

The treasures we seek are in the caves we avoid

Want to know the secret to getting everything you want? Do the things you don’t want to do. Everything we want is on the other side of the thing we’re avoiding most. Truth be told, the main reason we avoid most things is because we lack a skill and we don’t want the...