Is your need to avoid short term pain causing long term pain?
Have you created an environment in business and/or life that removes pain?
- Do your friends and co-workers push you to feel pain or do they remove pain and cause you to feel comfortable?
- Have you put mechanisms in place to avoid feeling pain?
It’s only when we are tired of the pain we make the necessary changes in our business and/or life?
- Are you tired of the pain of struggling financially?
- Are you tired of the pain of a failing relationship?
- Are you tired of the pain of carrying your business?
- Are you tired of the pain of_________________?
The moment we make the decision to allow ourselves to feel the pain rather than move away from it we become unstoppable. We are left with no option other than making a change. A mentor once told me the treasures we seek are in the caves we avoid. What caves are you avoiding because they cause you pain?
As a leader are you helping those that report to you avoid pain? More importantly, is your goal to be liked or are you willing to ask questions that cause them pain for their benefit? What impact does this decision have on your company’s bottom line?
Ready to make a change?
Ask yourself, if nothing changes with _______ situation what is likely to happen in 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 1 year? Who else is impacted if I do not make this change? How will I feel when that happens? Continue to dive into the emotions of this internal thinking. Allow yourself to experience the emotions. Keep asking yourself how will I feel when that happens and then when that happens. When you’ve gone as far as you can and it feels as though you’ve already experienced rock bottom, make a commitment to take the first step to make a change within 24 hours. If you’d like accountability around the first step, email me.