Chapter one of the book Million Dollar Habits by Robert Ringer is titled The Reality Habit. The overriding point of this chapter is that if you consistently stick to the way things are rather than the way you wish they were, you are laying a foundation for developing success habits. Another way of saying that is you can’t live in dream world and expect to live a meaningful life. Decisions have to be made based on reality.
What exactly is reality?
- Where are you at this very moment compared to goal?
- Is it possible for you to get there? IN REALITY not hopefully
- Are the activities I’m doing now going to bridge the gap between where I am and where I want to be?
- What skills am I missing that would help me accomplish this goal.
Many of us fool ourselves by making the situation better than it actually is and hoping we make it to our goal. Where are you living in a dream world where a good dose of reality would move you forward?