We may not want to admit it but we always have momentum. Sometimes it’s forward and sometimes it’s backward. Many people when faced with tough decisions or an uncertain situation stall and convince themselves they’re researching the best course of action. What they may not realize is that at that moment forward momentum is reversed. They’re going backwards and don’t know it. 99% of the time the only bad decision is no decision. Not deciding on the next logical step although it may not be perfectly clear can stall an organization worse than making a wrong decision. When a decision is made you’ve at least eliminated an option. If it turns out to be a poor decision you simply move to another option. The person that’s stalled and indecisive doesn’t have this option, they haven’t moved forward, and the majority of the time the decision they’re facing doesn’t get any easier.
In short, make a decision. It may be wrong or not the best one and that’s okay. We’re building businesses here not tip-toeing through life trying to be right all the time. We always have momentum, you decide if you want it to be forward or backward.