What have you decided to MASTER? In the book Mastery by George Leonard he says that Mastery is tough to define yet can be instantly recognized. He continues on to say that it’s really not a goal or a destination but a process or a journey. Mystery is available to anyone willing to get on a path and stay on it. That brings me to a question…. What have you decided to master? Do you even know or are you too busy working hard to find the clarity and decide what you want to be known for? I imagine 99.9% of the people reading this are running 100 miles per hour towards something and sadly they don’t even know if they’re going in the right direction. Take some time today. When this is all over with, what do you want people to remember about you? Listen to that little voice in your soul you’re working too hard to keep quiet. See if you can find clarity around what is actually important to you free of external influence.