We’ve all had it happen. A rough day turns into a rough two days which causes you to not sleep well that causes you to have a rough third day which eventually leads to a full week where you’re just exhausted and mentally drained. I imagine this is why you find a lot of real estate agents at the local bar on a Friday night.
It happens to the best of us and yet as entrepreneurs we still have things on our plate or balls in the air that can’t be dropped. So, how do we avoid it? I’ve found that weeks like this happen when we veer off course from our plan. We find ourselves doing activities outside of what we have identified is most likely to get us to our goal in the most efficient manner and dealing with a sick dog when you “should” be lead generating throws off your day. The next day you attempt to double up on lead gen and the cycle continues. What’s the best way to deal with it? Grace. Give yourself some grace. Not every day is going to be 100% perfect. It’s unrealistic to expect that it will. Remember you’ve built your plan to allow for things like this and everything is going to be okay. Give yourself some grace, allow yourself to get a good night sleep and get back on track. This comes with a caution. If you see this pattern happening every week then grace isn’t the answer. You’re probably missing a person or you need to revisit your plan. If it’s just one week don’t beat yourself up.