

As a real estate agent you have roughly 2 weeks and 5 days of contract writing time left in 2022 depending on what part of the country you’re in. You’re likely being bombarded with all sorts of distractions on top of the typical holiday stuff in addition to the market...
Decide Now so you don’t have to later

Decide Now so you don’t have to later

The real estate world around us is changing rapidly. This isn’t a good thing, or a bad thing it’s just happening and it’s happening fast. If you’re running a sales organization it’s my suggestion that you make a decision now. Either you’re in, and willing to do...
Sunk Cost Fallacy

Sunk Cost Fallacy

For those of you that haven’t heard the term sunk cost fallacy I’ll give you a basic example. You and your significant other decide to go see a movie for date night. About half way through the movie you realize neither of you are enjoying the movie yet decide to stick...
People that have a plan B aren’t committed

People that have a plan B aren’t committed

I think this week’s title sums up the thought but I’ll do my best to elaborate. Imagine for a second you’re married but you have a backup plan should the marriage not work out. Can you really say you’re committed to that marriage. Many of you just read that and...