Top of the funnel is priority number 1

Top of the funnel is priority number 1

Many people in the real estate industry are in the middle of a market shift. A shift isn’t necessarily a good or bad thing, it just is. Shifts level the playing field across the industry. New and experienced agents alike are now playing a game where we aren’t 100%...
Skillset – Schedule – Relationships

Skillset – Schedule – Relationships

Does the current real estate market make you feel like someone moved the cheese? The solution lies in one of three areas. Skillset – Schedule – Relationships. The solutions you’re looking for is in there all it takes is a little bit of humility and honest...
I do it – We do it – They do it

I do it – We do it – They do it

This is the typical progression of a business owner. Usually when you start  a company it’s you doing everything. With growth you transition to WE do it, meaning you’re still in the game and your team is working along side of you. A select few business owners will...
Are you the majority?

Are you the majority?

It’s no secret, the real estate market is changing. Frankly, it’s changing faster than I’ve ever seen. I’ve noticed the industry is quickly being divided into two groups, those complaining and those determined to win. As you can imagine roughly the top 20% are...
Real is winning

Real is winning

As the market continues to change I’m starting to notice a lot of separation between transactional businesses and relational businesses. Teams who have built their business on real relationships with actual context are winning and those that built their business on...