Who do you surround yourself with?

Who do you surround yourself with?

As you read this I’m likely on a flight to Orlando to attend a national real estate convention. As I was preparing for this trip I couldn’t help but to think that so much of success is tied up in what you think and so much of what you think comes from the people you...
Best Known Beats Best Product Every Day

Best Known Beats Best Product Every Day

The majority of you reading this are real estate agents. I’m willing to be that most of you have spent years perfecting your craft. You’ve studied contracts. You’ve practiced scripts. You’ve created your own negotiation strategies. It’s likely that you provide a high...
Manufacture being on top of the world

Manufacture being on top of the world

This week I found myself asking several people who felt they were in a slump to recall a time where they were on top of the world. A time they felt they couldn’t lose. Everything was going their way and business was firing on all cylinders. Once we were able to...
Sometimes you have to go to 30,000’

Sometimes you have to go to 30,000’

The world as we know it is changing all around us. Every day there is a new “game changer” announced that will revolutionize the industry. I worry that many agents are so busy working in their business that they are blind to what’s happening around them. Title...
Baby Steps

Baby Steps

In 1991 a movie named What About Bob was released in theaters. Bill Murray’s character, Bob, suffers from multiple phobias and eventually sees a therapist. The therapist recommends that Bob take what he calls “baby steps” in order to overcome these phobias and live a...