It’s no secret, the real estate market is changing. Frankly, it’s changing faster than I’ve ever seen. I’ve noticed the industry is quickly being divided into two groups, those complaining and those determined to win. As you can imagine roughly the top 20% are determined yet, it’s very easy for us to jump in with the majority buying into all the crazy stories of what is to come. As we continue down this path, pay close attention to those around you. The belief / perspective you decide to adopt will 100% determine the next 2 years of your real estate career. Something I’ve heard a lot this week is “nothing is selling, listings aren’t moving, no one wants to buy, blah blah blah.” The very next thing I have them do is log into their MLS and tell me how many things went pending in the last 7 days, how many closings in the last 7 days, how many new listings in the last 7 days. Which is it? You aren’t selling anything or nothing is selling? Things are slowing for you or everything is slowing? Immediately they see that there are hundreds or thousands of opportunities happening right there under their nose and all they have to do is be willing to do whatever it takes to hit their number. Getting 10 pendings when there were 2000 pendings in the last week doesn’t sound like such a difficult task. Go get your 10.