Is there any area or skill in your life that you’ve actually mastered? I’m not talking about proficient, good, or even great. I’m talking about completely mastered as in you are head and shoulders above everyone else. It’s been my observation that the mass majority of people out there never slow down long enough to master anything. I’ve found people are so fixated on getting to what is next they never take the time to become the best at something. In the real estate world you’ll hear things like I’m 4th level and I’ll be at 7th level within the next twelve months. Woah woah woah… slow down. Why are you in such a hurry to get to seventh level? Is it ego? Is it because you don’t like being a real estate agent? If that’s the case why are you in this business? What is it that has you in such a rush to go from individual agent to having a team, to leaving production, to owning a mortgage company, to owning a title company, etc etc etc? To use a phrase that was shared at a recent masterminds what would happen if you grew where you were planted? What would your business and life look like if rather than shooting for what is next you accepted the role you’re currently in and committed to Mastery? What if you made a commitment to being the best in the world at the role you’re in? Would that change your results? Would it hurt your ego? How would it impact your wallet? What challenges that you currently face would instantly go away? When you’re committed to mastery you’re not looking to do things the best you can, you’re looking to do things the best it can be done.