Working with business owners over the years I’ve noticed many are either building a business to run from something or towards something. For example, someone may say “I’ve been poor in the past and I never want to go back.” Conversely, someone else may “say I’m determined to be wealthy and willing to do whatever it takes to get there.”
It’s been my observation that running away from something will only get you so far. One day you wake up and realize money was a great motivator until there was enough. That’s when crap usually gets real. Once that happens you now have to figure out what you really want out of life and pick something to run towards.
I want to be clear, this isn’t a right or wrong conversation and there is absolutely nothing wrong with working your butt off to avoid being poor. I’m simply pointing out that at some point being poor is such a distant memory you’ll be faced with finding something to run towards. If you’re in this situation now you may feel lost and looking for what’s next. Some may even sabotage their own business just to have something to fix and keep them busy. If this is you it may be time to sit down and write out the 10 year vision for the future. Write out in detail where you live, what your kids are doing, what your parents are doing, new hobbies you’ve started, etc etc etc. The more clarity you have the more you’ll have something to run towards.