The new year is among us. Many of you are without a doubt erasing your spreadsheets and white boards and starting off fresh for 2023. Some of you may not have tracked anything at. 

A mentor once told me what you measure improves. As a coach one of the largest obstacles preventing people from hitting their goal is they simply do not track their numbers well enough to make necessary changes. Those that do often resort to giant complicated spreadsheets. To solve this problem, my friend has spent countless hours and money creating a company called ClarityNOW. Yes this is a shameless promotion of a company, however occasionally a product comes along that you just can’t help but get behind. ClarityNOW is a platform for real estate agents to do their business planning, tracking, and more all in one place. The best part is they are offering a 100% FREE PLAN that you will LOVE! Hit 2023 running with the tools you need to take your business to the next level. Get out of spreadsheets and get better insights into your business TODAY! Get free full access to all of ClarityNOW’s features for 30 days. After that, you can stick with free or choose the plan that will still blow your mind. 

Here is what ClarityNOW solves for you:

✅ Get out of messy, error-prone spreadsheets 

✅ Create a simple profit-focused business plan – no more complicated software

✅ Monitor and track goals using our exclusive Goal/Gap Report

✅ Analyze your business with executive-level summaries

✅ Team members get their own portals

✅ Facilitate more constructive one-on-one’s with your team

✅ Lead more effective, goal-focused team meetings

✅ If you have a coach, give them free access and get more from your coaching investment

Whether you are an individual agent or have a team, ClarityNOW will EMPOWER your business, and you will see a difference–all for FREE! 

Join other industry leaders as they switch to modern tech to solve today’s real estate business challenges. ClarityNOW understands agents’ challenges–it was built by the top coaches and agents with your needs in mind! It’s free with no credit card required–what do you have to lose?

Just for signing up today, you’ll also receive resources that help build your business. This includes:

💡Webinar on-demand: “How To Generate Over A 10% Return On Your Database”

💡 Webinar on-demand: “Providing A Ritz Carlton Level Customer Experience”

💡 Webinar on-demand: “What Is Your Recruiting Value Proposition? Here Are 13 Value Adds That Will Help You Land New Recruits”

🎧 Podcast Episode: “Do Or Die Lessons On How To Survive In Today’s Real Estate Market” with Executive Coach Craig Zuber

📺 Video on-demand: “The Business Hierarchy Of Needs – Where To Put Your Focus Throughout The Year As The CEO”