I spent the last 14 years of my life living in the desert of Las Vegas where the sun shines 95% of the year. If you’ve followed my story at all you know I’ve recently moved to Florida. Even though Florida is known as the sunshine state, what you may not know is that it rains a lot. Last night after a long day of coaching my wife and I went for a walk on the beach. Off in the distance we could see a storm. It was beautiful, you could actually see the rain falling and lightning strikes going from cloud to cloud. In that moment she said something that I thought I should share with you because I believe it applies to the current state of our industry. To better understand her perspective you must know that she grew up in New Jersey and one of the main reasons she moved to Las Vegas is because she hated the dreary, cloudy, rainy days of New Jersey and wanted sunshine. As she and I stood there on the beach watching the sunset and the storm off in the distance I made a comment saying something to the effect of “isn’t it strange that after living in a place where it rained once or twice a year we have come to appreciate the rain?” Her response was brilliant, she said “you know, the rain in Florida isn’t bad because you know it’s only going to storm for a few minutes and then it’s going to be beautiful again. It’s really easy to appreciate the rain when you know you don’t have to deal with it forever.” If you’re a real estate agent reading this our industry is headed into a storm. Like my wife suggests we do for the actual storm, I’d like to suggest we learn to appreciate the proverbial economic storm that’s brewing because we know it isn’t going to last forever. As soon as it’s over it’s going to be beautiful again. Just like the real storm comes in and washes away all of the dust and debris from your lawn the economic storm will come in and wash away all of the competition that aren’t committed to their goals, or those that came into the real estate industry because it was “easy” and when the storm is gone it’s going to be beautiful again.