Are you the person that prepares to prepare and then preps before you start? Some people may describe it as ready, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, fire. It’s been my experience that those who succeed operate by the ready, fire, aim strategy. This isn’t a complete shot in the dark. It’s calculated and intentional yet the emphasis is focused on firing not aiming. You see, when you fire you can immediately make an adjustment and fire again. Then adjust and fire again. Overtime with your adjustments you’re closer and closer to your target. Opposed to the perfectionist who attempts to foresee all possible obstacles and make every adjustment before they begin. Success with this strategy just isn’t possible. Even the most well thought out plans have unforeseen obstacles that will require you to adjust along the way. You may as well be moving toward your target. Give it a run on your next project. Rather than analyzing the crap out of it simply take the information you have and make the first step in the right direction. Measure your results and adjust. Then measure your results again and adjust. I think you’ll be happy you did.